The term “innovation” means the invention of an idea and its implementation. When we talk about intellectual property and innovation, we have to refer to the whole process that goes from the emergence of the said idea until the moment when a certain service or product is finalized. Whether it’s a small business or a

Leadership and vision would be the right combination to lead a business to success. However, the case of Apple and Steve Jobs shows that history is sometimes rewritten after the fact. To read the article : Harvard Business Review

To read the article, click here.

According to a recent study by the Deep Knowledge Group, an international consortium specializing in the analysis of scientific data, Switzerland is the safest country on the planet in managing health and economic risks in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. To view the Forbes article, click here.

Interview with Prof. Pascal Lardellier, teacher at IMSG, on the program En Quête de Sens to find in replay here.

This “Tous pour tous” book deals with and talks about a future that puts people and their behavioral preferences within the organization. How to do better, longer, with fewer resources and with a lightness tinged with pleasure? How can it be simpler based on the intelligence and genius of the collaborators? In a simple, concrete,

Around 1870, 60,000 people worked at home to manufacture watches. Decryption of the watchmaking peasant model with Hervé Munz, professor of anthropology at the IMSG. To read the article, click here.

On Monday May 25, 2020, Prof. Dr. Richard Delaye-Habermacher, educational director of the International Management School Geneva, was the guest of the 3D Eco program (Léman Bleu) alongside Myret Zaki, journalist, and Cédric Tille, professor IHEID, on the subject of new post COVID-19 economic models. Back in pictures on this quality exchange…

Digital round table organized by the IMSG and the Cercle des Dirigeants d’Entreprises. With the exceptional participation of: Gérald VERNEZ (Délégué fédéral DDPS) Daniel DONNET-MONAY (Spécialiste en renseignement économique 4.0 – Lt. Colonel de l’armée suisse) Alain BAUER (Professeur de criminologie, New York, Shanghai) Format: 30 minutes of debate + 30 minutes of discussion with

L’évolution des contextes professionnels et des trajectoires de vie doit nous amener à repenser les mesures d’accompagnement qui, jusque-là, existaient dans l’entreprise. Intégrer, séduire et conserver devient un enjeu majeur pour les managers et les responsables RH. En effet, ils doivent faire face à l’arrivée massive de salariés issus des générations Y et bientôt Z,