A Genève, le 15 Mars 2020 International Management School Geneva Tribute to Michel KENGO – Student of ESMK, Kinshasa, RDC. International Management School Group  Force  &  Honneur 💥 MICHEL  KENGO 💥 Les étudiants de L’International Management School Geneva ont voulu rendre hommage à Michel KENGO, étudiant de L’École Supérieure de Management de Kinshasa. Nous avons eu

La limitation des déplacements et réunions en Suisse ainsi que les mesures de confinement instaurées en France voisine nous ont amenés à nous organiser afin d’assurer une sûreté de fonctionnement. L’équipe de l’IMSG est plus que satisfaite de constater que depuis trois jours, la totalité des étudiants de l’école parvient à suivre les cours en

L’employabilité est la pierre angulaire de notre projet pédagogique. Aussi, si nous veillons à ce que nos étudiants puissent bénéficier de la dualité école entreprise durant leur cursus, nous avons repensé notre organisation de manière à accueillir les salariés soucieux de se former tout au long de leur vie, dans un monde en pleine mutation.

A challenge inspired by obstacle courses, TERRA RHONA tests the physical and mental capacities of its participants. As part of its partnership with the Servette Rugby Club de Genève, main contributor to the event, the International Management School Geneva supports this first Swiss edition which promises to be rich in sportiness, meetings and solidarity. 7

The International Management School Geneva integrates the restricted family of member schools of the AACSB, Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. This association, which holds the eponymous accreditation, rewards and supports higher education establishments in the quality of their management training. To date, only 16 public and private establishments in Switzerland have met the

On Friday 28th February, IMSG organizes the second edition of its « Speed Recruitment Meeting ». During the morning, our students will introduce themselves successively to different recruiters searching for the best profiles fitting their needs. Thanks to their well-prepared « elevator pitch », everyone will be able, in a few seconds, to give striking

More than ever, companies must realize that tutoring is part of strategy as well as the detection, reception and retention of talents to which it is intimately linked. The school-business duality is, in this context, a lever of choice. The IMSG will devote 2020 to raising awareness among business leaders in the Geneva economic basin

On Monday January 6, 2020, Prof. Dr. Richard Delaye-Habermacher, educational director of the International Management School Geneva, was invited on the set of the 3D Eco program (Léman Bleu) alongside Stéphane Haefliger, member of the executive board of Vicario Consulting, about intergenerational link. Back in pictures on this exchange…

After having signed a Memorandum of Understanding earlier this year, AAB College and International Management School Geneva have signed a cooperation agreement with the aim of offering a double diploma/cursus at Master level. Candidates for the double / complementary diploma program must be graduate students at AAB College at the Master’s level and then continue

Because every year nearly one in ten students decide to reorient themselves in their studies after the first semester, the IMSG has set up a delayed start. In February, join your Swiss Business School in school / business duality. Bachelor and Master programs with enhanced skills in Finance & Trading, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Business Diplomacy