M. Thierry DIME

Mr Thierry DIME

Graduate of the Swiss Italian University in Lugano, Thierry Dime created his first company after his studies. With his passion in communication he quickly realizes the role that media can play in society. He naturally becomes a boss of the press by launching several titles, of which the well-known « Monde Économique », a Swiss magazine of

Monsieur andré yves portnoff

Dr André-Yves PORTNOFF

Doctor in nuclear metallurgy, André-Yves Portnoff created and directed (1977-1992) the only francophone monthly Prospective Technological Studies, Science & Technology. He is the co-author of the first French report (The Revolution of Intelligence) on the Company and the intangible economy. He developed Futuribles and large enterprises, a method for evaluating organizations by intangible factors, which

Dr. Thierry FABIANI

Dr Thierry FABIANI

Thierry Fabiani has a doctorate in sciences of management and more particularly in marketing with an original subject “The determiners of the eating habits of seniors: the case of the sweetened products”. Graduate “École Supérieure de Commerce de Marseille” and ex-auditor of the institute of the high studies of national defence (IHEDN), he followed a 3rd cycle



Professor of Advertising & Marketing, Dr Intartaglia works on Neurosciences & Persuasion Techniques in Sales and Advertising. He does research in Information & Management Institute of HEG Arc (Switzerland). He has published numerous books and articles on Advertisement & Persuasion Techniques. He also works as a consultant for private companies.

Prof.Dr. Pascal LARDELLIER

Prof. Dr Pascal LARDELLIER

Professor Lardellier specializes in Behavioral Marketing. He has published several books and articles. His work questions the new forms of social links and the status of relationships on social networks.